"The history of symbolism shows that everything can assume symbolic significance: natural objects (like stones, plants, animals, men, mountains and valleys, sun and moon, wind, water, and fire), or man-made things (like houses, boats, or cars), or even abstract forms (like numbers, or the triangle, the square, and the circle). In fact, the whole cosmos is a potential symbol."
Every man with his tendency to A symbolizing activity, unconsciously transforms forms or objects in symbols (in this way they assume an enormous psycological importance), and expresses them through religion and figurative arts.
I approached the composition of this portfolio trying to treasure the old memory of this passage from the book "Man and his Symbols" of C.G. Jung.
Heavy fog covers the bucolic scenery, where hay balls, assembled and covered with sheets by farmers, are standing up like majestic, mysterious and emblematic sculptures, recalling the works representing Christo and Jeanne-Claude and one picture (The Pencil of Nature) of William Henry Fox Talbot.
Here prevails the sense of immobility waiting for accomplishment; everything is marked by the next usage of the hay.
Thanks to the padded atmosphere, the sculptures get transformed in metaphoric figures, bringing my vision towards a psychological investigation, thus becoming an intimate allegory of numerous, concrete and tidy thoughts, ready for the imminent fulfillment.